August 12, 2009

Wow. I seriously have nothing to do.

I need a life. I mean seriously.
School's not here yet, I don't get out much, and I have recently found out that 'fug' is a word.
Anyways, I can totally bet no one reads my blog anyways. So theres really no real reason why I'm typing this up.
I'm bored.

June 15, 2009


I know some of the wierdest people.
Then again, I'm one of them.
Well, my life is still very boring.
I have a semi-formal dance on friday, ew, dresses.
Song- when tomorrow comes, by pillar.
Uhm. Bye?

May 17, 2009

Well, its been a while.

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while.
Well, my life is following its usual boring routine.
But I've found one heck of a song.
Its called "These are the days" by The Exies.
The video for it has got like quotes sent in by the fans, and apparently, this song is a favorite among them (me being one of them.)
But the song is pretty awesome.
This is the link where you can find the vid and quotes sent in----~> here
And here you can find an acoustic version.

April 19, 2009

Story Time!

Well, I haven't posted in a while...again.
But this time, I'm going to post parts of a story I'm, thinking of writing.
Well, pretty much its a story about a quiet girl whose living a life at a place called Lemer Hill. (Don't ask, its the first name that came up in my mind.)
Yeah...I'll start writing now...

March 21, 2009

Well then, alright.

Well, I haven't posted in a while,
Not that anyones looking.
I been bored as usual.
What else to say?

February 21, 2009

The Game.

So, today is Saturday.
Yesterday was Friday, (I almost said Sunday...)
And this past week was Spirit Week at school.
Going as so:
Monday- No school (Which I don't get, everyone else had school.)
Tuesday- Crazy hair/hat day

Wednesday- Ol' fashioned PJ day
Thursday- Movie character day
Friday- Green and White day (school colors)

And on Friday, was a basketball game.
Teachers vs. the school team (I almost typed Teachers vs. staff)
And here is a overview of the game I saw.

It was the teachers against the varsity team. Well, teams, considering there are two varsity teams. Girls. And boys.
Anyways, the girls team took the first two quarters of the game. By half time, the team was losing. Maybe it was pressure. Maybe its just that they suck, (well, I can't really say that as some of my friends are on the team.) Well, they were losing by AT LEAST 10 points. (Or was it 8?)
So, then at half time, the varsity CHEERLEADERS did their thing. They were doing that thing where four people are lifting a person in the air. There was about four groups of that. One of them fell.
Then the boy varsity team took the second half of the game. They lost too.
But this time, the game was pretty intense.
There was this one teacher, Mr. Pope, that the girls behind me were SCREAMING for!
It hurt my ears...
A lot.
At the end of the game, the score was something like 45-19. With the teachers winning.
Then some guy started messing around with the controls for the scoreboard. After a bit, the board read, 160-15. The team supposedly "winning" now.
Ah well.

I'm in school vacation now.
I'ma be wicked bored the whole week.
How em I gunn last the summer?
I also heard theres supposed to be more snow.
Well I have only one thing to say.


February 15, 2009

Well, long time no post.

I haven't posted in a while.
Anyways, I have just chosen high school classes for next year,
I wonder what high school is like.
Oh well.

I'm super dee-wickedy bored.
Thats my usual day.
Everyone in my house is sleeping.

Welll on friday was the Valentines dance and the day chocolate roses were being passed out.
I got two.
One from me.
And one from the boyfriend.
At the dance,
I danced,
With the boyfriend, (doii)

What now? I'm STILL